You are much tougher than you think you are!

The human spirit is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object.

We are so dang powerful that we can evolve from sticks and stones to hammering a few pieces of metal together for flying straight through our atmosphere!

You can chuck us in concentration camps, murder our families, treat us like the worst of animals and we will keep our dignity and go on to win Nobel peace prizes for our positive impact on humanity!

You can chuck us in a prison cell for 30 years merely for the color of our skin and we will rise to Presidency and be walking examples grace and mercy!

We will overcome cancer and win the Tour de France...

We will overcome poverty and become billionaires!

Don't tell me you cant.

Its an ignorant lie!

You are frikkin powerful beyond your wildest dreams! Quit moaning and get your ass into the drivers seat!

Your destiny is waiting!
