The guys who look like they are stuck in the sixties?
Well I'm kinda stuck in the nineties.
I enjoyed the vibe immensely, the whole Rave movement with the baggy pants and all other manner of cool stuff. Huge crowds dancing the night away with feathers in their hair, some nutters wearing gas masks.. man, it was awesome!
I'm not sure if those kinds of things will ever be as popular as they were back then, but thinking back to those days is a pleasure for me, a great reminder of the vitality and energy of youth. I really, really enjoyed it!
I think the old fellas in the hippy outfits have the same vibe going, they are here in 2010, using the technology and getting on with modern life, but they carry with them their fond memories of whatever fun they enjoyed back in the sixties...
I have no desire to go back to those days, the memory of them serves me well enough. Current life carries with it new memories that I enjoy just as much, like being married to a walking fantasy... (my wife is an epic win!) ..and making films etc. It's another level of life and I'm loving it!
It was back then that I was a youth pastor who made dance music with Christian lyrics. We would do fun parties and such for the youngsters and draw thousands of youth to our Christian Raves for a drug and booze free spot of fun.
A lot of the youngsters insisted on calling me 'Pastor' which did not suit me so well.
I mean.. look at me... do I look like a pastor to you?
Heck man, back then my hair was either bleached white or it had red and blue in it.. there was nothing regal about me.. still isn't. I'm about as far away from a suit wearing dignitary as you can get!
One day someone Jokingly called me Reverend. I think the fellow enjoyed his own joke immensely because after that, no matter how much I protested, he had a good laugh at calling me the dang name which he eventually abbreviated to 'Rev'. I relented and accepted it as more of a nickname than as a title.
Remember that I mentioned my dance music earlier? Well, I was about to release my first solo CD and I needed a name. The corny 'Thump' got summarily added to 'Rev' and the next thing I knew, I was RevThump...
I thought... "Well, it's corny, but it's true.. I am a Rev of sorts and I certainly enjoy doef doef music... Corny or not, it suits my demeanour perfectly!"
So I became 'Revthump'.
That name stuck with me for about 10 years.. then it was time to shift my focus to movie making and I considered leaving the old corny name behind.
So I googled 'Andrew Wilmot' to see how unique my name would be as a Director.
Turns out theres already an Andrew Wilmot making movies.. eish! ..and another one selling pharmaceuticals or something.
So I googled 'Revthump' and noticed that my corny name was so unique that it literally owned three pages of google search...
It was a no brainer.
I guess I'll change it up for Andrew Wilmot one day, but for now I'll keep wearing my baggy pants and oprating my boogie whenever I hear an epic tune!