The very word evokes a sense of foreboding in us all.
It is the testament of inadequacy, the flagpole of incompetence and the monument to wasted time and energy that sets the stomach churning in fear at the very prospect of trying again.
After all; the dictionary definition of failure is:
fail (f
v. failed, fail·ing, fails
1. To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately: failed to fulfill their promises; failed in their attempt to reach the summit.
2. To be unsuccessful: an experiment that failed.
3. To receive an academic grade below the acceptable minimum.
4. To prove insufficient in quantity or duration; give out: The water supply failed during the drought.
5. To decline, as in strength or effectiveness: The light began to fail.
6. To cease functioning properly: The engine failed.
7. To give way or be made otherwise useless as a result of excessive strain: The rusted girders failed and caused the bridge to collapse.
8. To become bankrupt or insolvent: Their business failed during the last recession.
But what if failure is the true agent of promotion?
What if success is completely unattainable without the ingredients that failure provides?
Donald trump says that without losing a few battles, it is impossible to win the war.
Thomas Edison and Benjamin franklin say that failure is nothing more than a necessary process of elimination on route to your inevitable success.
Abraham Lincoln says failure is the only true source of character.
the Bible tells us to 'rejoice in our tribulations'.
How do these statements, which so heavily contrast the dictionary definition of failure, make any sense whatsoever?
They make sense because they are a very powerful truth.
The fact is, failure is the true secret to success.
The fact is, failure is the true secret to success.
Ask any successful entrepreneur and they will tell you that success is simply what happens to the last man standing.
We all fail.
None are exempt.
Success is the tenacious application of experiential knowledge up until the point of either failure or success, over and over until you achieve your desired result.
You may have failed 50 times up until now,
your lucky number may be 53 or 54...
Don't give up now!
Failure is never pleasant, but it arms you with character and wisdom.
Failure gets rid of the people who should not be on your journey and adds those who should be there.
Failure exposes your destiny relationships and refines them in the forge of hardship.
Failure gets rid of the people who should not be on your journey and adds those who should be there.
Failure exposes your destiny relationships and refines them in the forge of hardship.
You may have to start over on route to fulfilling your dreams, but the fact is that you never start from scratch. You get to try again, unencumbered by the baggage of the previous attempt and when you finally achieve your goals, they are much bigger than you originally intended and will more than cover your previous mistakes.
Winning a war means you get to compensate every soldier who fought in the individual battles alongside you.
Victory is total.
Every mistake can be rectified because you will no longer be the same, insecure person who started your journey.
Victory is total.
Every mistake can be rectified because you will no longer be the same, insecure person who started your journey.
To understand failure for the agent of growth and promotion that it is, is the single most powerful weapon in your pursuit of success.
You are not a failure unless you give up.
Giving up because of failure is literally giving yourself over to failure. Failure itself becomes your master.
Lift your head, dust yourself off and steadfastly refuse to allow failure to become your master.
Giving up because of failure is literally giving yourself over to failure. Failure itself becomes your master.
Lift your head, dust yourself off and steadfastly refuse to allow failure to become your master.
You are Awesome!
Fail, learn, apply, succeed.
Simple as that.
The only true path to success will pass through failure after failure.
Close your ears to the critics, they'll be patting you on the back soon enough, don't you worry.
Never give up!