A hooligan is a lawless fool that breaks stuff and picks fights with everyone and everything....
Honor is the highest form of respect...
How does one become a hooligan of honor?
Well, quite simply put, challenge and confront everything that bothers you but be a person of the utmost respect while you do it!
Quite frankly I think Christians have become wussies! Softies that have less backbone than a jellyfish. They let themselves be dominated by anyone and anything that threatens them and stand idly by while evil is done, all the while sermonising everyone around them on the 'cannots' of life while the world enjoys the 'cans'.
When Jesus said 'life in abundance' he wasn't kidding! You can live a really great life on this earth. But being Christian it is about much more than just your personal portfolio!
It's about being the light in the darkness, being the voice for the oppressed, being the source of joy and peace...
A Hooligan of Honor is that person that shouts defiance in the face of normalcy and confronts tradition for the progress inhibitor that it is!
A Hooligan of Honor is the beacon of honor and respect for those who are deserving of it, yet the double edged sword of righteousness against those who would hurt, dominate and control weaker people!
A Hooligan of Honor is he who would gladly hang on a cross for the sins of those who despise him!
When last did you open a door for your lady? When last did you stand when authority walked into the room? Where is your respect for those deserving of it?
It is a sad day when the only people who receive our respect are those who invoke fear in us!
You know you have the mind of Satan when Humble, wise men are nothing to you and your adoration is captured by those who have the power and resources to advance you!
Your heart is twisted and your mind is darkened my friend, if greatness in your eyes is determined by material wealth and power!
God does not measure man by material wealth! Nay, this understanding of 'fruitfulness' is very worldly indeed... Wealth is a product of wisdom and luck...
The true fruit of a man's life is his impact on humanity! (positive or negative)
My tears run freely at the celebration of pomp that our churches have become, Pastors giving all their time to those who would give the most money when our mandate is clearly to raise those who would hear to be disciples!
A Hooligan of Honor has respect for ALL! Even his enemies, he confronts and corrects and is willing to be confronted and corrected but always grants all of God's servants the dignity they deserve!
Humiliation is a vice of Satan and only his servants use that tool in their arsenal!
Be powerful! Be Awesome! Be an inspiration to all around you but most of all be a servant!
Freely you have received Love Grace and Mercy, Now freely give!
...and have as much fun as possible while you are doing it!
I am proud to be a Hooligan of Honor and I celebrate those who are this too!
FAT blessings on you!