Taking responsibility for your own actions is much more than a cliche', it's the secret to all success!
He who takes responsibility for his own life will determine it's outcome!
This is a short blog to inspire you to chuck away your blamethrower - That part of you that blames life, other people and circumstance for your tradgedies in life!
Sure, sh** happens, but don't wallow in it or take strength from it, find the solution and get out of the mess you're in!
It's stupid the way we get lost in our misery for longer than we need to. It's hard out there, I know, and things do take time. Process is a nasty thing, but looking around for a place to point your finger only drags out the inevitable - in the end YOU are the one that must change YOU!
Blame throwing just makes your situation worse and keeps you there longer. Rather face the music, grow in character, learn from your mistakes or the mistakes of others and move forward!
It's YOUR life, YOU own it and YOU will be responsible to God for what you did with it!
So take ownership, take responsiblity and do great things with it!
Be happy and all that :)