Beware... I'm not here to tickle your ears... I'm here to give you truth!
Your desire for convenient truth has no effect on me, I speak the truth freely in this Blog so prepare yourself!
2 Timothy 4:3
So there we were, two against a hundred... boy oh boy.. we sure kicked the crap out of those two!
HA HA... That’s one of my favorite jokes ever... Besides the fact that it's funny, it also reminds me of the body of Christ at the moment.
The guys with the smaller ministries are not viewed and celebrated as pioneers, but rather as underdogs... Evidently the success of your ministry is determined by the size of it...
I have loved conversations between the demi-gods we call senior pastors where they openly lambaste smaller ministries...
Nice... I have seen massive crowds and big organizations, only to see them falter and break at the first sign of a lack of Charismatic leadership. Jesus instructs us to make disciples... materialism instructs us to make mobs - All dependant on one life source..and I don't mean Christ!
I call it the 'Taker Syndrome'...
Over the past few generations we have slowly but surely achieved an amazing thing, we have trained the body of Christ to have no relationship of their own with God.
There was only one mediator between God and Man... Jesus... 1 Timothy 2:5
Now there are many mediators, men who should be shepherds become idols and become so powerful that their titles alone evoke fear, respect or awe.. we call them Senior Pastors! Hang on a second... we are not even ALLOWED to have titles... Matthew 23:8! What on earth are we doing here?
These are not evil men, just a clever ploy by Satan to con us into no longer working out our own salvation with God, but rather depending on the tidbits we are thrown off our pulpits... Philippians 2:12
Idolatry is the worship of any person or thing other than God!
Check THIS out:
Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy distinguish between adoration or latria (Latin adoratio, Greek latreia, [λατρεια]) which is due to God alone, and veneration or dulia (Latin veneratio, Greek douleia [δουλεια]), which may be lawfully offered to the saints. The external acts of veneration resemble those of worship, but differ in their object and intent.
Veneration eh? Listen up dear friend! The bible says you are cursed if you put your trust in man! Jeremiah 17:5
We love, submit and serve because we are men and women of honor, but the Bible clearly says we are to submit to one another!
Ephesians 5:21You are supposed to carefully check the scriptures to make sure you are not being lied to... Acts 17:11
When last did you even read the Bible for yourself?
You should be serving everywhere and everyone, shaking hands with people on a Sunday is not Christianity, it's Diplomacy!
Sure, love, hug, greet, shake those hands but all I am saying is that that is not near enough!
Givers have a whole different way of looking at life to takers.
Because it costs them so much to help people, I mean really costs them, they are careful to test every doctrine they come across...
Takers, on the other hand, don't really care about how their outlook affects the rest of humanity. They are more than happy to follow along nonplussed by truth or lie as long as it does not affect their comfort zones. Their priority, physical or spiritual, is their own comfort.
While they pursue their Sunday Christianity, the world around them goes to hell in a hand basket!
I applaud you, sitting there in your seat... and I mean YOUR seat, the one you get offended about if someone else sits in it. I think you are the exact picture Jesus had in mind when he told us to give up our lives for the sake of the Gospel. John 12:25
Give up our lives? HELL NO! You can't even give up your seat!
Takers are an interesting bunch, they give financially, physically and spiritually only as much as is comfortable for them and happily expect the rest of us to consistently give everything we possess, mind, body and soul for their comfort.
'Why should we all give when one guy can carry everything himself?' they ask..
Christ is the Head, we are the limbs..easy as that!
EVERYONE must give their all to see the lost come to Christ and be properly discipled!
So what is expected of you? Simple: Do everything you can possibly do to make the world a better place!
Fall in Love, and I mean passionately, with your assignment from God, to have a happy family and reach the lost. It's not difficult, it's just different. That's what makes you a giver.
Don't let this blog get you down, be inspired to go to another level with God.
Christianity is not a movement of comfort and pacifism, It is a revolution of Joy and freedom.
Give it out freely, for freely you have received!
Finally.. I ask you this question... How much is another man's soul worth to you?
Answer that question yourself and give accordingly!
C Revolutio.