Epic encouragement!
When I read that quote, I felt like dancing around the room with a flower pot on my head!
Awesome, Awesome quote!
Anyone who has stuck their neck out and failed knows what it is like.
Critics are a dime a dozen and no matter how badly you have failed you must keep being a doer! Keep pressing forward until you succeed!
Never give up!
You will eventually succeed and those critics you are trying so hard to impress right now will simply switch to a new target... Neither the praise of man nor their criticism holds value. In the end it is your journey that matters most and all those who depend on you need you to succeed.
You can do it, don't stop!
Here, have some encouragement.
The trauma is simply to much for them.
I've failed at a lot of things and succeeded at some... Usually my greatest successes follow my greatest failures...
Don't give up on your dream! Never give up!
Failure brings with it horrible collateral damage.
You fight off feelings of worthlessness, disappointment and frustration. You are at the mercy of the 'I told you so' choir. You are humiliated on a public stage and most of your friends simply abandon you.
Failures tend to build momentum in your life until they are a snowball so large that you cannot stop them. They run their course and crash into a tree at the bottom of the slope where you dust yourself off and look around sheepishly. Ready to pick up the pieces.
The key is to learn. Learn from your mistakes, learn from your failures, learn and keep moving forward!
Life moves in years, not weeks or months. You need to think in years.
Maintaining a defeatist mindset may be very tempting, but resist that temptation and plan your route forward. Make new plans, dream new dreams, pick yourself up, you are well able!
Failure is a circumstance, not a person. You can fail, but you cannot be a failure. You can lose, but you cannot be a loser. Don't allow circumstance to determine your self worth! We all fail, we all make mistakes, none are perfect! Expecting yourself to succeed at everything you do is like standing in the rain and expecting not to get wet. We have no control over peoples' emotions, economic fluctuation or fate itself. All we can do is look for opportunities and leave no stone unturned in our quest for fulfillment. Don't stop chasing your dream! never give up, never surrender!
You are not a failure, you might have failed in the past but you are now empowered with the wisdom and experience to do it right the next time around!
Don't stop now, your journey has just begun!
Success is inevitable if you fear not failure.

The fact is, failure is the true secret to success.
Failure gets rid of the people who should not be on your journey and adds those who should be there.
Failure exposes your destiny relationships and refines them in the forge of hardship.
Victory is total.
Every mistake can be rectified because you will no longer be the same, insecure person who started your journey.
Giving up because of failure is literally giving yourself over to failure. Failure itself becomes your master.
Lift your head, dust yourself off and steadfastly refuse to allow failure to become your master.
You are much tougher than you think you are!
The human spirit is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object.
We are so dang powerful that we can evolve from sticks and stones to hammering a few pieces of metal together for flying straight through our atmosphere!
You can chuck us in concentration camps, murder our families, treat us like the worst of animals and we will keep our dignity and go on to win Nobel peace prizes for our positive impact on humanity!
You can chuck us in a prison cell for 30 years merely for the color of our skin and we will rise to Presidency and be walking examples grace and mercy!
We will overcome cancer and win the Tour de France...
We will overcome poverty and become billionaires!
Don't tell me you cant.
Its an ignorant lie!
You are frikkin powerful beyond your wildest dreams! Quit moaning and get your ass into the drivers seat!
Your destiny is waiting!
Why call myself 'RevThump'?

The guys who look like they are stuck in the sixties?
Well I'm kinda stuck in the nineties.
I enjoyed the vibe immensely, the whole Rave movement with the baggy pants and all other manner of cool stuff. Huge crowds dancing the night away with feathers in their hair, some nutters wearing gas masks.. man, it was awesome!
I'm not sure if those kinds of things will ever be as popular as they were back then, but thinking back to those days is a pleasure for me, a great reminder of the vitality and energy of youth. I really, really enjoyed it!
I think the old fellas in the hippy outfits have the same vibe going, they are here in 2010, using the technology and getting on with modern life, but they carry with them their fond memories of whatever fun they enjoyed back in the sixties...
I have no desire to go back to those days, the memory of them serves me well enough. Current life carries with it new memories that I enjoy just as much, like being married to a walking fantasy... (my wife is an epic win!) ..and making films etc. It's another level of life and I'm loving it!
It was back then that I was a youth pastor who made dance music with Christian lyrics. We would do fun parties and such for the youngsters and draw thousands of youth to our Christian Raves for a drug and booze free spot of fun.
A lot of the youngsters insisted on calling me 'Pastor' which did not suit me so well.
I mean.. look at me... do I look like a pastor to you?
Heck man, back then my hair was either bleached white or it had red and blue in it.. there was nothing regal about me.. still isn't. I'm about as far away from a suit wearing dignitary as you can get!
One day someone Jokingly called me Reverend. I think the fellow enjoyed his own joke immensely because after that, no matter how much I protested, he had a good laugh at calling me the dang name which he eventually abbreviated to 'Rev'. I relented and accepted it as more of a nickname than as a title.
Remember that I mentioned my dance music earlier? Well, I was about to release my first solo CD and I needed a name. The corny 'Thump' got summarily added to 'Rev' and the next thing I knew, I was RevThump...
I thought... "Well, it's corny, but it's true.. I am a Rev of sorts and I certainly enjoy doef doef music... Corny or not, it suits my demeanour perfectly!"
So I became 'Revthump'.
That name stuck with me for about 10 years.. then it was time to shift my focus to movie making and I considered leaving the old corny name behind.
So I googled 'Andrew Wilmot' to see how unique my name would be as a Director.
Turns out theres already an Andrew Wilmot making movies.. eish! ..and another one selling pharmaceuticals or something.
So I googled 'Revthump' and noticed that my corny name was so unique that it literally owned three pages of google search...
It was a no brainer.
I guess I'll change it up for Andrew Wilmot one day, but for now I'll keep wearing my baggy pants and oprating my boogie whenever I hear an epic tune!
THE RACE-IST My first movie
Have a squiz so you know what I am talking about :) ----->
A story of triumph and reconcilliation and biofuel made from cow manure....
Yaaayayayayyyyyyyy! We are almost done and about to release in Cinemas nation wide (2nd April).
It's been hard, difficult, impossible, traumatic, scary and any other deterring word you can think of to make this movie.
Investors dropping us, sponsors losing their marketing budgets, losing my house and car... 20 Months of focus and determination, prayer, begging, humility and wrath!
I thank God for the awesome people he has placed around me - My wife, a goddess of power and grace, a beautiful woman both inside and out who stood by my side like a pillar of velvet and fire. Who got me through this journey with encouragement and every level of sacrificial love! She is the ultimate earthly possession and I pity men who do not have a woman like her - they have not experienced life as it can be!
My partners and (some) cast and crew who believed in this project when the wells dried up and fire began to rain down upon us!
We have persevered and the goalpost is in sight!
Giving up is the only kind of failure that exists - the rest is mere experience!
We have been baptised in fire and fury and we have risen powerfully from the impossible! Whatever happens from hereon out, we own our destiny!
We have fused character and experience into wisdom and none can take this from us!
When you go for your dreams, you will walk into the wall of fear that is human perception.
Your own perceptions, the perceptions of people around you, the traditional mindsets of your peers - all of these are fortresses that must be left in smoke and ruin behind you. You cannot stop pursuing your dream! never stop! NEVER!
So do it.
and do it now!
Struggling to achieve your dream? Read this!
We all have dreams.
You know those desires of yours to take over the world, drive an Aston Martin or feed 5000 orphans?
Yeah.. those.
We call them dreams because at some point we all fantasize about what could be...
Some of us actually go for it.. we actually try to make those dreams come true.
But it's not as easy as we think and most times we end up stranded and disillusioned...
Well screw that.
Here's how to make your dreams come true:
The first thing you are going to have to realize is that there is no success recipe. The world is far too complicated for there to be a 'one size fits all' solution.
Your journey will be unique in every way. Your character, mannerisms, looks, abilities etc. all play a massive part in which doors open and which doors close.
The world is not fair at all and we are definitely not born equal!
But there is one rule that levels the playing field, and this rule is the universal granite of success. Without it, your abilities and connections mean nothing. Without this rule, any success is temporary and the journey to making your dreams come true will be filled with massive regret and terrible experiences.
Before I tell you this rule, you have to realize that achieving your goals and dreams will take more effort and commitment than any motivational book can explain. People are sinful and evil by nature. They will always look out for themselves. You will be so disappointed at times that despair might become your most faithful companion.
Am I a prophet of doom? nope. It merely helps to count the cost before you go for it...
BUT if you go for it, you will become more powerful and secure than you could ever imagine.
The greatest ally of growth is resistance! Your best friend is hardship - It refines you and brings you closer to inner peace and awareness of purpose. Hardship shows you who your true friends are and cleans your life of leeches and ticks. (bad habits AND bad people).
At the end of your journey, you will not only be a different person, but also be surrounded with truly wonderful people. If you take shortcuts however, commit evil and unethical practices and wreak havoc on your way up, you will never achieve the fulfillment you truly seek...
You will be surrounded by weak insecure suck-ups who specialise in manipulation and backstabbing.
Good luck with that.
SO what is this ingredient I speak of?
What is it that you must do to achieve things that very few humans get to enjoy?
What is it that will yank you out of lack and need?
Well, if you buy my new book for 99$.. just kidding.. hahaha.
Keep reading.
Take a deep breath.
Two words.
The most powerful two words in the universe.
******** D o n't S t o p ************
Doesn't seem so powerful now, but say it next time you look in the mirror.
Print a page with those words and put it on your wall.
Prefer a wisdom nugget?
Here: Pursue your dreams without ceasing, Character and Wisdom will be provided on route!
******** D o n't S t o p ************
Impossible? Mere Perception!
'Coward' <-------- Runs from a fight unless he has an unfair advantage.
Dunno if I need say anything more here.
If you are not willing to fight for your dreams, you'll never experience them.
Don't stop driving toward your goals, never give in, never surrender!